Sunday, October 4, 2015

Music Technology

What is Music Technology?

Music technology is any technology, such as a computer, an effects unit or a piece of software, that is used by a musicians or djs to help make more complex music, including the use of electronic devices and computer software to aid playback, recording, composition, storage, mixing, analysis, editing, and performance.

How has music technology changed the way in which we develop and record sound?

It has helped us become more expressive with our music as we have access to a wider range of sounds and as a result we can produce more complex and innovative pieces of music

Are we becoming to dependant on Music Technology?

In my opinion we the normal musicians don't rely that much on Music Technology, only DJ's use music technology as most of their music consists of electronic sounds. Many pop stars use it to enhance their voice, but even that has an elemnet of vocals instead of pure electric music.

Does music technology support or devalue live music making?

In my opinion it doesnt devalue live music at all, as it supports the artists to expand their field of music and explore more genres.

1 comment:

  1. This is a mixed piece of work Zain. Some of your answers are detailed & explained in reasonable depth, whereas others seem to just be skimmed over. Your personal thoughts are interesting & deserve more explanation.
    Criteria A: Knowing & Understanding - 5
    Criteria D: Responding - 4
